Ludovic Renou became CEO of Thriftex Courier Service
On July 1, Thriftex Courier services announced the appointment of Marc Bourdon, former CEO of Thriftex Courier services in United Kingdom, as senior vice president of Thriftex Courier services, who will be in charge of global business network operation from June 1, 2020. Meanwhile, Mr. Ludovic Renou, former president of Thriftex Courier services UK, will take over as CEO of Thriftex Courier services Asia.
Since joining Thriftex Courier services in 2009, Mr. Ludovic Renou has worked in Asian region for more than 10 years. He has served as commercial director of Thriftex Courier services in Asia, general manager of Thriftex Courier services Vietnam, Thriftex Courier services of India, general manager of Thriftex Courier services South China.
After a long journey from the US to Paris, He finally arrived in Singapore in early June. After 14 days in quarantine, he took over the job.