

ThriftEX Courier Services is a logistic company for all business segment and world leading logistic company

Delivering Service For Over 10 Years 

Today, ThriftEX Courier is the world’s leading logistics company. Our 380,000 people in over 220 countries and territories work every day to help you cross borders, reach new markets and grow your business. Or simply send a letter to your loved ones

Unlimited Time

We promise punctual is our priority

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Why Choose Us

We have good track record of quality service.

On Time Delivery

Punctuality is our goal to deliver

Experience Services

we do everyday routine activity, we learn from mistake, your satisfied is our goal

Low Cost

We understand you, your business is our success

Guarantee Services

By delivering service guarantee, firms are forced to focus on customer’s want and expectation in every aspect of the service.

Trusted Work

Your trust is our power

High Quality

We realized your time is very valuable